Cloud Foundation 50 Concepts - Part IV

09-01-2024 Federico Cinalli

  And finally, this is the latest part of the VCF 50 Concepts series, but not the end! Because way more is coming. If you missed any of the first 3 Posts, it is better to first look at Parts I, II, and III. Let's get started! Token ID: Each SDDC Manager Workflow is based on several tasks and subtasks. Every Task has its Token ID. When it comes to troubleshooting, it is critical to identify the Token ID of the failed subtask because it will make it easier to find the source of the problem on the proper log files.You can find the Token ID in the Tasks view in the UI of the SDDC Manager, expanding the workflow task and identifying the failed subtask. opID: This is the Operation ID f...

Cloud Foundation 50 Concepts - Part III

18-12-2023 Federico Cinalli

  This Post is Part III in the VCF 50 Concept series. If you missed Part I and Part II, I recommend you look for a better understanding first.In Part III, we are going to focus on the Lifecycle. Let's get started! VCF Lifecycle Management: This is one of the most exciting features of Cloud Foundation. Integrated into the SDDC Manager and comparable with the Vienna Symphonic Orchestra, the Lifecycle Management orchestrates the upgrade of the entire solution in combination with vSphere Lifecycle, NSX and Aria Suite Lifecycle. Online Depot: Public VMware Repository where the SDDC Manager can download the available Patch and Upgrades. Suppose the SDDC Manager is not allowed to connect...

Cloud Foundation 50 Concepts - Part II

10-12-2023 Federico Cinalli

  This second post of the 50 VCF Concepts blog will cover the main concepts related to the general Infrastructure and the VI Workload Domain creation. If you missed Part I of the series, I recommend you start there first. Let's get started! VCF Deployment: There are two types of Cloud Foundation Deployments. Those two Deployments are Single Site and Stretched.It is also possible to describe a VCF Deployment using the term "VCF instance", especially when the VCF Deployment has finished. VCF Architecture: There are two Architectures or ways to Deploy a Cloud Foundation: Consolidated and Standard. The VCF Deployment can work without any VI Workload Domain (Consolidated) or (Standard...

Cloud Foundation 50 Concepts

03-12-2023 Federico Cinalli

When it comes to VMware (now Broadcom) Cloud Foundation, there are a series of concepts that we need to consider a "must" if we pretend to understand the whole solution.In this Post, we will cover 50 VCF Concepts to understand the solution globally, including relationships, tips and best practices. Let's get started! First release: Dec 4th 2023 (the first ten concepts) VCF: Stands for VMware Cloud Foundation. This virtualization platform is based on vSphere for Compute, vSAN for Storage and NSX for Networking and Security. VCF is based on the Software Defined Datacenter concept and provides the entire solution's lifecycle management. Cloud Foundation is also based on what we know as the...

Puppet para Dinosaurios (en 8 bits)

10-10-2022 Federico Cinalli

  Otro gran Podcast en el que junto con mi compi Héctor (@nheobug) nos visita el gran David 8 bits (@ochobitsunbyte) en el que lo ametrallamos a preguntas sobre automatización.  El Crack de David nos cuenta cómo es trabajar con Puppet, el sistema de Gestión de la Configuración más utilizado, y cuáles son los principales casos de uso así como también su combinación con otras herramientas como Ansible y Terraform. Agradecemos enormemente a David por regalarnos su tiempo y compartir su sabiduría...